Monday, November 26, 2007

What is the point of this site you ask?

First off this is NOT a pro-life site and I fully support abortion
So no RUDE comments please.

Well, I started this after having an abortion to get my story out and to provide information to those thinking about or having had an abortion.
You can help others by sending your story and I will post it.
I hope that my information helps you and as well as the stories.

I also slowly update into other posts so keep checking them out!

Want to share your story?

If you want to share your story I would be more than happy to post it right here!
E-mail your story to me at

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My story

I had an abortion soon after my 17th birthday, I have to say it was the longest and hardest day of my life. First I went to a clinic nearby, as I was pulling into the parking lot there were protesters standing outside yelling things to me, I just held up my head and went inside...I started feeling tense and heart was pounding. I went to the desk and filled out papers and drank water until they called me back. There was another young girl in the room who was crying on her boyfriends shoulder. Many other women came in also. Then I heard my name called. They took me back to a room where they checked my blood pressure and blood type and asked me questions. Following that I went and had an ultrasound done thinking I was only 12 weeks, then the nurse said "I'm sorry, the hospital was wrong you are 15 weeks pregnant." My heart dropped, my baby was so big, I choked and just said "Okay", then I waited in the counseling room where another nurse came in and said they couldn't do the procedure there and that I would have to go further down state to another doctor. Where she asked me what I wanted to do because it would cost more money, I then went out and decided what I should do, I couldn't possibly afford a baby and I had been through a lot in the past two years...I just wouldn't have been able to. I agreed to do it. I went back in and they gave me directions and all my information including the ultrasounds which I did not have the heart to look at. Next thing I knew I was on the road for a 2 hour trip to do it. The whole ride I thought about the protesters outside and adoption must have ran through my mind the entire time. All of a sudden we were sitting outside of the states top abortion clinic. I went inside and I waited for 4 hours for the doctor to get there along with about 15 other girls. The first girl went in, then I. I got into my gown and sat on the bed, they then had me lay back and put my feet in the stirrups. I remember taking a deep breath and saying "Here it goes" they gave me a sedative shot in my arm and next thing I knew it was happening. The sedative didn't work and I felt every bit of pain. The hardest part was knowing that it was 15 weeks and it was mine. I remember the nurse trying to calm me down saying that I was going to scare the other patients. Then it was over and all of a sudden I felt relieved it was done. There I stumbled to the recovery room where there was already another women. We talked for a moment and she asked if I was okay I said I guess so where another girl came in crying and I pulled myself together because I didn't want to upset her more. Then I was being let go...I stumbled out the door and up the stairs where my friend met up with me. I couldn't feel anything...finally the sedative somewhat kicked in. I was fine the whole ride home and up to the next day. Where I started feeling horrible and I couldn't sleep at all. It has been a hard struggle for me and it hasn't been long since. But I also know it was the right thing for me to do.

I hope my page and story helps you <3

Abortion itself

First off let's start with what is abortion?
Answer:An abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. This can occur spontaneously or accidentally as with a miscarriage, or be artificially induced by medical, surgical or other means. "Abortion" can refer to an induced procedure at any point during human pregnancy; it is sometimes medically defined as either miscarriage or induced termination before the point of viability.[1] Throughout history, abortion has been induced by various methods and the moral and legal aspects of abortion are subject to intense debate in many parts of the world. (Wikipedia)

Who and why do women do it??
Many women in their lifetime will have at least one unplanned pregnancy. More than one-third of all U.S. women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. About six million women in the U.S. become pregnant every year. Half of those pregnancies are unintended. Nearly 1.3 million women choose abortion to end their pregnancy each year.

The most common reasons a woman chooses abortion are
She is not ready to become a parent.
She cannot afford a baby.
She doesn't want to be a single parent.
She doesn't want anyone to know she has had sex or is pregnant.
She is too young or too immature to have a child.
She has all the children she wants.
Her husband, partner, or parent wants her to have an abortion.
She or the fetus has a health problem.
She was a survivor of rape or incest.

Is abortion right for you??
Most women look to their husbands, partners, families, health care providers, clergy, or someone else they trust for support as they make their decision about an unintended pregnancy. And many women go to the clinic with their partner. But you don't have to tell anybody. Specially trained educators at women's health clinics can talk with you in private. You may bring someone with you. You will discuss your options — adoption, parenting, and abortion. You may be asked if someone is pressuring you to have an abortion.

Teens are encouraged to involve parents in their decision to have an abortion, and most do have a parent involved. But telling a parent is only required in states with mandatory parental involvement laws. Such laws force a woman under 18 to tell a parent or get parental permission before having an abortion. In most of these states, if she can't talk with her parents — or chooses not to — she can appear before a judge. The judge will consider whether she's mature enough to decide on her own. If not, the judge will decide whether an abortion is in the teen's best interests. In any case, if there are complications during the procedure, parents of minors may be notified.

This information here is for your inqueries on abortion.
The few types of abortion are D&E (Dilation and Evacuation), D&C (Dilation and Curettage), and Medical Abortion.

Medical abortion is a pregnancy put to end by using a medication. I believe you cannot take this past 9 weeks of a pregnancy. It only has a 75%-95% success rate. What happens is during the first appointment at the clinic you receive the mifepristone pill to take orally. Then 24 to 72 hours later, in the privacy of your own home, you take the misoprostol medication as directed by your clinic (vaginally or buccally). Misoprostol causes contractions resulting in a miscarriage. When used in combination, mifepristone and misoprostol are 95-97% effective within two weeks. Mifepristone and misoprostol are FDA approved.
-Non Surgical Abortion RU486- Mifepristone
-Non Surgical Abortion RU486- Mifepristone

A D&E is used in many cases after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Which is usually an outpatient basis but may need hospitilazion if you are very far along. The surgery usually takes 30 minutes to complete. However the D&C is close to this except mostly using suctioning.

Here is generalization of what they will do. They may do an ultrasound throughout the procedure to not miss anything.

1. Check to see just how far along you are and determine the size of your uterus

2. There are two ways they can dilate your cervix one is to insert a sponge and it will open over night, or they will do it right before the surgery by inserting larger and larger dilators.

3. They will give you a type of anesthesia or sedative to either put you to sleep or minimize the pain.

4. Then they will have lie back and put your feet in the stirrups.

5. Insert a speculum and clean the vagina and cervix with a antiseptic solution.

6. This is now when they dilate the cervix if not done before hand.

7. They may now insert a tube to suction out the placenta or any other liquids.

8. Now they will start using forceps to remove the tissue.

9. A curette may be used now to scrape the lining of your uterus, and followed by more suctioning to insure it is fully removed.

10. If you have a negative blood type they will give you a shot afterwards to help fight the antibodies.

11. Lastly they will put you in a recovery room where they can check your vitals and make sure you are'nt showing any problems.

There are some risks which are very rare but I will list them anyways.

A tear in the uterine lining which would need to be fixed with another surgery.

An infection, which when you leave they will give you an antibiotic to prevent it.

Injury to the cervix, which may cause future pregnancies to open the cervix too early.

Here are just a few things to think about

1. It is unlikely to affect your fertility

2. Counseling for a second trimester abortion may be more needed than an earlier one.

3. You may feel postpartum depression.

When you are finished you will be sent home.

Post Abortion Help

This post is about the aftermath of an abortion
No matter who you are, if you have had an abortion you are feeling some sort of grief. I know I do. There are alot of things after you have an abortion that you should know. Everyone is different with the way they feel about it and deal with it. You will experience some bleeding after even up to 4 weeks and you can also get pregnant almost immediatly, but you should'nt have sex until you are healed physically. Also avoiding any strenuous work is important, I did'nt listen and I ended up making myself feel way more pain both ways. Submerging yourself in water can be a hazrd also since your cervix may still be healing.
If they send you home after your surgery then they believe that you are doing well enough to. Some things to watch out and worry about are bleeding much heavier than a period, high temperature, fainting/lightheadness, or persistent pregnancy. But as for the pain afterwards they will prescribe medicine for the pain such as Ibuprofen and Vicodin. Even if you feel that you are well enough to do certain things, I can't stress this enough to take it easy for a while .
Here are some tips I found useful.

1.Drink lots of fluids
2.Stay off work for a few days if you can
3.Take vitamins, eat healthy food, and try to sleep
4.Take the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor right away, and for the full amount of days Prescribed!
5.No exercise for two weeks
6.No swimming or tub baths for 2 weeks
7.Don't lift anything over 15 pounds for two weeks, don't use ANYTHING vaginally for 2-4 weeks - no sex, no tampons, no douches.
8.You can ovulate as soon as two weeks after an abortion, which means yes, you could get pregnant again within two weeks after an abortion!
After the 2-4 weeks is over, you should NOT have sex again unless you feel physically recovered, and have discussed with your partner what you want to do if an unplanned pregnancy occurs again. Do NOT let yourself be pressured into having sex again before you are physically and emotionally ready, and have had a serious discussion about the course of action for future unplanned pregnancies. You can get pregnant as soon as two weeks after an abortion! Your body normally will go back to it's regular cycle, and release an egg (ovulation) at 2 weeks post-ab. So once you decide you are ready to resume sexual intercourse again, make sure you are using birth control right away. As many of us know, birth control is NOT 100% effective. So it's very important that you don't have sex again until you are healed physically and emotionally, and you have a clear consensus on what will happen if you become unexpectedly pregnant again.
9.For women who had an abortion for maternal health reasons, or for a poor prenatal diagnosis, consult your doctor about birth control and future pregnancies.
10.If you were 9 or more weeks along in the pregnancy, it is possible that you may have trouble with milk, or a milky fluid leaking from your breasts after the abortion. The further along you were, the higher the chance of having your 'milk come in'. This can be upsetting, but it won't last for long. It's a normal effect of the hormones that your body releases when you are no longer pregnant. These hormones make your body start to produce milk, whenever a pregnancy is ended. Your breasts may feel sore, tight, swollen, and will leak out droplets of clear to whitish fluid. At times the milk may 'let down', and a substantial amount of liquid may come out. To help with this stage, wear a well-fitting/snug bra, and try avoid stimulation of your breasts or nipples. Wear the bra 24 hours a day until your milk dries up. It can take one to four weeks for the milk to dry up. It will not be as painful as it originally feels when the milk first comes in - as the milk is not 'used' the pressure on the milk ducts will cause the milk to 'dry up'. Keep wearing that snug-fitting bra, and take tylenol for the soreness, and this will subside. If you develop a fever, or extreme tenderness in either of your breasts, consult a doctor - there is also a condition where your milk glands can get infected, and this will need to be treated with antibiotics. (This is a rare complication).
It is also very important that you go for your 2 week check-up someone has to check and make sure everything went right. Some examples are (checking for infection in your uterus, you are healing right, to make sure your cervix is healed, and also to make sure the abortion was complete) If you can't find yourself to go back to the place, set up an apointment with another gynecologist, if they won't take you find someone who will. This is verry important!
There are many things you may feel afterwards like remorce for the unborn, vomiting, depression, decrease or increase in appetite or sex, and trouble sleeping.
Another thing you may be feeling is emotional, that is completely normal. Some just deal with it, but for others it is not so easy. The hurt could be minimal or all the way up to unbearable. Their are people who care, if it is bad you can see a therapist who will help you.
If anyone has any questions or wants to talk about this feel free to message me at I am here to help you.